You will receive:

  • De Luna is a Certified Therapeutic Musician &Reiki practitioner who will provide channeled Healing Sounds of the Harp, Singing Bowls, & Flutes to dissipate blocks, aid in your healing journey & be recharged with the love of the Infinite.​ 
  • The healing quality of quieting your mind with guided meditations that take you on a quantum journey to get messages from your Spirit Guides, Angels & Great Spirit.
  • 12 Weekly 90-minute sessions that are recorded so that you can review them again and again, finding even more information than you realized before.
  • Access to the membership site for the Experiential Course content of “The Illuminated Journey” 
  • Learn about using Essential Oils and Crystals for Spiritual Healing.
  • Email access Mon - Fri.​


Having signed onto this program was truly a GOD send.

De Luna’s guidance, knowledge, kindness, compassion & amazing level of patience through this journey have all been amazing.

I am so incredibly happy to have joined The Illuminated Journey when I did, with the powerful meditations, teaching, & all the beautiful gifts were extremely helpful in helping me navigate, through an incredibly challenging time.

I feel so privileged to have had you by my side over the past 12 weeks.

My sister has noticed my shift and increased my sense of calm while being in the present moment. I am blessed to have you as my coach/guide.
“I would describe De Luna’s Coaching as a support system that will encourage you to look at your entire lifestyle, from detoxing your mind, body, & home.

It also involves filling yourself with a positive healthy mindset, to fully heal and grow.
Be prepared to make positive changes for your good.

De Luna’s Coaching is that it has been greatly beneficial to me in changing how I feel about myself, bringing me to a place of greater self-confidence.

She has also helped me navigate and connect to the resources that have helped me have a graceful healing journey through this cancer.”

Joann Meder

"It’s an amazing program!

I would highly recommend De Luna for anyone who is looking to make your dreams come true.

It made me realize that I was carrying all this baggage that I had to let go of to make my dreams come true.”

Lisa Perugini Emerson

"During De Luna’s group coaching program, I was encouraged through journaling, meditation, and the community of dreamers to explore my true self.

I now have a clear plan for the coming year to realize my dream!

Deluna is gifted in visionary guidance, compassion, & wisdom. It has truly been an amazing experience."

Linda Lamore

"De Luna has been helping me walk out of the darkness of grief. 

Wherever you are in your journey De Luna can help you reach a life you richly deserve.

Thank You, De Luna...You're a very special person & an excellent coach!"

Receive a Bonus Box of Spiritual Tools!

             Enjoy the assistance of Elemental Allies for you to open 1 a week for the 12 weeks.

 Fun and excitement to have a reborn sense of life as an adventure!

We are in very challenging times, & it is time for us to wake up from the trance of helplessness & claim our birthright!

You are a magnificent Energy Being & are capable of far more than you can imagine. 
Are you ready to step up to your unconditional love, your value, & your legacy?

                                                                      Now is a perfect time! 

Are you ready to change your life,

free yourself from your blocks,

build confidence & feel connected?

  Group Program starting soon


 Are you ready to invest your energy into your peace of mind, unconditional love, self-worth, and connection to the authentic joy of life?

The group program runs for 12 weeks, 

ongoing support is offered.  

Space is limited

Includes the

Bonus Box of Spiritual Allies

when paid in full upon registering.

To be sure that we are a good fit for this program, I am accepting applications. 


to be part  of this program​

Click here to message me for application

Be sure to type -"Apply for The Illuminated Journey" and your contact information in the message, as well.

Do you hear a call from deep inside yourself? 

A call that is waiting and yearning for you to get to know yourself and show up for yourself on a deeper level?

​Have you lived your whole life showing up for everyone else?

When it comes to showing up for yourself, do you find yourself feeling uncomfortable, even afraid that you are being selfish & have difficulty putting yourself first, and often end up putting your own needs last, then sometimes it's too late! 

Has this behavior set you up to start doubting, who you truly are? 

If this is you, it is important that you know that it is not your fault!

For many thousands of years, we have all become entranced by the conditioning prevalent in our world, which can make it difficult to know our own truths. 

It doesn't have to be that way.

When you show up for yourself you will find you have so much more to give & have a deeper sense of self-respect &love, & what you give becomes more love-filled.

The challenge is becoming aware & sorting out the societal "shoulds" & "shouldn'ts" that are so deeply ingrained in our subconscious & end up running our lives if we don't start to steer our own ship.

It is not necessarily easy, especially when trying to do it alone. but there are ways to transform & free yourself to become vibrant and live your authentic life! 

So much of societal messaging promotes fear.

it’s no wonder if you have feelings of fear, that you will never fulfill your inner yearnings & potential.  

This is fear and suffering is one of the most common regrets of the dying.

It can haunt people regardless of how great or successful they may look on the outside.

You have probably heard the saying “Change your mind Change your life” 

It’s so true when you release those fears, those stories that are holding you back you can become free to live true to yourself & align your subconscious mind with your authentic self.

"The Illuminated Journey"

Discover Unconditional Love for Yourself and For Life!

Do you have a deep desire to feel as if your life has more meaning? 

Perhaps you have little to no idea what the meaning of your life could be, & you find yourself spinning your wheels with this & that, only to leave you exhausted & disappointed in yourself once again.

Each one of us has our own unique combinations of strengths and gifts.

Once you clear your pathway of deserving, you can release the self-doubt & find confidence and clarity on what unique gifts you have come here to share with the world, so that you can enjoy the fulfillment of your meaningful life.

Imagine what it would feel like to be free of those false stories that keep you trapped,

feeling invisible & not good enough.

What difference would it make in your relationships &family?

What difference would it make in your health? 

That freedom would allow you to live in harmony with your authentic self so that you can align with your true gifts & live a fulfilling life so that you wake up in the morning excited about the life you live.  

You deserve this! It's not just for other people.​

Through the Soul Spa experience of "The Illuminated Journey," women find that they start their transformation almost instantly, like a breath of fresh air.

You can realize & release  burdens such as shame, guilt, fears, self-doubts  & stuck energy,

So that you can sleep better, gain self-confidence & respect, start shifting your vibration, wake up, & raise your vibration to the excitement & fulfillment of an authentic life.

Yes, you deserve to reclaim your power, answer the call of your soul

and align with your Divine Essence!

*None of the services on this website are to be used instead of medical doctors or medications. Like any healing modality, One cannot guarantee results, but many have received great benefits from this work. 

Do you find yourself seeking Spiritual answers,

& watching a lot of YouTube, reading a lot of books & find that you get a lot of information,  but you are not quite able to truly internalize and integrate and apply the information into the challenges of your daily life,  leaving you feeling more frustrated, confused & doubtful that you will ever find your way?

We live in an age that has so much information, the only trouble is that some things are not learnings of the intellect, & again with conditioning, as a society, we are not accustomed to thinking with our hearts and our intuition.

When your heart, intuition, and mind are in balance, we can more readily absorb the many levels that these teachings address.

In this Body Mind Spirit program ​​​“The Illuminated Journey”  a 12-week  program you’ll gain clarity on the subconscious stories that are running your life so that you can clear them away & start living life on purpose, discover your inner strengths & enjoy healthier relationships.

  • Get clarity on your journey with a 1hr. 1:1 zoom session with De Luna.
  • Integrate spiritual practices into your daily life,  which jumpstarts your transformation, most people feel an almost instant shift in the first session.
  • Rewire the beliefs that are holding you back & release what does not serve you. 
  • Harness the power of journaling & gain deep insight throughout the 12 weeks.
  • Experience peaceful days & restful sleep.
  • Receive support through guided meditations to absorb spiritual concepts into your subconscious.
  • Receive clarity and support, so you can stay on track for your journey. 
  • Create habits that give you a sense of fulfillment.
  • ​Be part of a community of like-minded women. 
  • Deepen your sense of connection.