Yesterday, during an intense Coaching call, my client in Africa, he started to give me a wonderful testimonial, this video collage is just 2:45 min. I asked permission to share and he was happy to have it shared. He is laying in bed because when we started the call he was experiencing terrible pain and then this is what happened after the guided meditation that I led him on. He lives overseas and has been so wonderful to work with, he does all of the assignments that I give him and he is thriving because of his hard work. His testimonial made my day! I love knowing that my efforts are valuable in helping people to choose their quality of life. The ripples in the water are so satisfying. I love my work and am so grateful for all of my clients!
Jennie: Having signed onto this program was truly a GOD send.
De Luna’s guidance, knowledge, kindness, \compassion & amazing level of patience through this journey have all been amazing. I am so incredibly happy to have joined The Illuminated Journey when I did, with the. powerful meditations, teaching, and all the beautiful gifts that are in the weekly modules of The Illuminated Journey were extremely helpful in helping me navigate, through an incredibly challenging time. Taking this course could not have come at a better time for keeping me centered and focused.
I feel so privileged to have had you by my side over the past 12 weeks.
I believe De Luna would be a great help to other women with self-discovery, confidence, intuition & finding their peace.
My sister has noticed my shift and increased my sense of calm while being in the present moment. I am blessed to have you as my coach/guide.
Linda Lamore
I picked up a flyer at the Natural Living Expo from De Luna and was delighted to see she does soul coaching. Nothing happens by chance so I decided to do sessions with her. Really glad I did. Recently, my partner/friend/the love of my life passed away. I had spent every day of the past three years with Paul. I've been lost without him and searching to make myself feel whole again. I'm attempting to reinvent myself as a person and move on with my life. De Luna has been helping me walk out of the darkness of grief. She has a lovely way about her. Her coaching approach is gentle. De Luna helps you move forward in a natural way. She's been able to reach deep inside and pull out ideas I had not thought of regarding my deceased loved one. I didn't expect that. I'm learning to be happy with myself and to make plans for the new year to allow JOY into my life. Where ever you are in your journey, I believe De Luna can help you reach a life you richly deserve. Thank You, De Luna...You're a very specialperson, and an excellent coach.
For more information:
Joann Meder: It's an amazing program! I would highly recommend it for anyone who is looking to make your dreams come true. It made me realize that I was carrying all this baggage that I had to let go of to make my dreams come true.
Lisa Perugini Emerson: During the 12 Days of Christmas, I was encouraged through journaling, meditation, and the community of dreamers to explore my true self. I now have a clear plan for the coming year to realize my dream! DeLuna is gifted in visionary guidance, compassion, and wisdom. It has truly been an amazing experience!
De Luna Coaching - Testimonials
Jeannie started to come to me shortly after her diagnosis, she signed up for my year-long private program, this testimonial is 4 months into the program:
I would describe De Luna’s Coaching as a support system that will encourage you to look at your entire lifestyle, from detoxing your mind, body, and home.
It also involves filling yourself with a positive healthy mindset, to fully heal and grow.
Be prepared to make positive changes for your good.
De Luna has given me support and encouragement to help me on this journey to health in mind, body, and spirit.
What I notice most about De Luna’s Coaching is that it has been very beneficial to me in changing how I feel about myself, bringing me to a place of greater self-confidence.
She has also helped me navigate and connect to the resources that have helped me have a graceful healing journey through cancer.
I have a wonderful Celebration and Gratitude for my day: One of my clients who had been diagnosed with breast cancer and started coaching with me a year ago, right after her diagnosis, I coached her with the information that I received that helped me have a transformative journey through cancer. I suggested she have a Chinese Medicine practitioner or a Naturopath, she found a great Chinese Medicine practitioner in her area and she coached with me for - removing toxins from her environment and from her mind. She followed the Body Mind Spirit program that I have designed and She just messaged me to celebrate that her blood markers started out a year ago at 61, the normal high is 30 and hers are NOW 13.9! that is through working diligently through the year - body mind and spirit. I am so pleased for her and love celebrating her incredible success! I AM SO GRATEFUL AND LOVE MY JOB